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The Japan trip is a balanced architectural mix of contemporary, traditional and modern. But also culture, nature, art and Japanese life are explicitly present. Planopli travels through the land of the rising sun for a fortnight.

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When Archipel sent out a survey in June 2017 to gauge interest in the 2018 Japan trip, the response was overwhelming. More than 300 people wanted to go.

Some of the trip announcements made by Archipel:
“We start for four days in Tokyo, a megalopolis, where seemingly chaos reigns, and where several streams of energy, people, traffic, culture and economy, make the city. We take a lightning-fast Shinkansen trip to Sendai, which is further north, to visit Toyo Ito’s media library.

In Tokyo, we also wander the wide area in search of often lesser-known architectural work by young up-and-coming talent or a hidden gem from the modernist classics. Via a stopover in Kanazawa, the journey slowly evolves towards tradition, nature and peace in the vicinity of Kyoto, where we spend a few days getting lost in the impressive collection of authentic Japanese temples, gardens and villas.

Then we travel further south to the many islands in Japan’s Inland Sea, where we get a taste of the art projects on Naoshima, Teshima and Inujima.

Then, with a stopover in Nagoya, we return to Tokyo.

In between, there will be 14 days filled with small, fine architectural and cultural discoveries.”

For this trip, planopli working behind the scenes on the practical organisation of the programme for more than 300 travellers.


Standard information for package travel agreements

  • The combination of travel services offered to you is a package holiday within the meaning of Directive (EU) 2015/2302, transposed by the Act of November 21st 2017 on the sale of package holidays, coupled travel packages and travel services.
  • Consequently, you are entitled to all EU rights applicable to package holidays. Planopli is fully responsible for the proper execution of the entire package holiday.
  • Planopli also has the legally required protection to reimburse you and, if the transport is included in the package holiday, to repatriate you, in the event that it becomes insolvent.