Together with the Cellule architecture de la Fédération Wallonie-Bruxelles, the Team Vlaams Bouwmeester organised an international congress on architectural quality. The ‘European Conference for Architectural Policies’ took place from 23 to 26 April 2024, as part of the Belgian Presidency of the Council of the European Union. planopli guided the bus tour along several Open Call projects in Flanders and Wallonia for around a hundred participants, spread over two buses.

For the fifth time already, planopli was commissioned by the Association of Interior Architects of Belgium – AiNB to organise a trip for its members and for the members of Netwerk Architecten Vlaanderen – NAV. This time around sixty professionals explored the region around Oudenaarde. The trip took place with the support of Stone, expert in natural stone, terrazo and ceramics.
Previously, planopli also organised the Waterlijn (2-day bus trip), Dilbeek (1-day bike trip), Liège (2-day bus trip) and Kortrijk (1-day bike trip) for AiNB.

The commons movement is increasingly coming into focus. With some 30 professionals linked to City and Architecture, planopli travels to Bologna to explore a number of exemplary projects and experience what this means concretely for architecture and urban development.
Previously, planopli for City and Architecture organised outings to Amsterdam and Rotterdam, which had to be staged a second time a few months later due to overwhelming interest.

Every three years, Archimundo, a collective of ten leading companies in the construction industry, invites about 100 architects from Flanders, Wallonia and Luxembourg to travel and discover architecture together. On the programme for 2025 is Mexico, one of planopli’s favourite destinations….
Previously, planopli organised architecture trips to Brazil and Texas for this sizeable group of invitees by Archimundo.

The director of planopli, Dominique, was already bitten by the architecture travel bug during her architecture studies. Since her research project for Architrav —an architecture trip to Basel, Ticino and Lyon for a few teachers and a handful of students— she has organised and accompanied trips for large and small groups, for short and long periods, within and outside Europe for: