'pivot' day outing: architectural art studios



there are no vacancies for this journey

Hoe deelnemen?

planopli met de k van kunst [working title] unveils a second triptych of artistic architectural adventures in Ghent, Mallorca/Menorca and Japan. They will devote to the simultaneous experience of art(s) and architect(s). The first trip gives a unique insight into the carefully designed places where art is created in their own country… During an exclusive day trip with boat, lunch and dinner, five Ghent artists from different art disciplines will open their studios exceptionally and welcome you, in dialogue with the architect of their workshop. Would the creative process be influenced by the composed space?

Art and architecture have a deep interconnection. Both are made with the same organizing principles, the same visual elements and the same involvement of the senses. Art and architecture both have meaning. They are simultaneously expressive and communicative. After all, the artist ‘forms’ an object to visually express a complex set of ideas or feelings, and the audience receives that expression. In a sense, a work of art and an architectural structure can be considered similar because they externalize human experience in an organized, aesthetically thoughtful and expressive way.

These thoughts have led planopli — in addition to its portfolio of exclusive architecture tours with exceptional visits — to now be ready to outline exclusive art architecture tours with exceptional visits for dedicated audiences. The first trip uncovers unexpected and unprecedented places in its own country. In the spring of 2024, Copenhagen as a European destination will delight many an artistic heart. In the fall of 2024, Mexico will let us discover the artistic love affair between the two countries.

The first adventure continues in the architectural heart of Ghent. On Sunday, March 24, 2024, five artists and the architects of their studios will expose themselves. This offers a unique insight into the architectural place where art is created. Using the boat as an unexpected method of transportation, you will be exploring the relationship that context and architecture have on the creative process, in dialogue with the artists and architects.
The finissage of the day will take place at an architectural venue — with an outstanding art collection — that will be exceptionally open and where we will feed the inner man. Our food artist took inspiration from the locations visited so that you will relive the experience through your taste papillae.



Standard information for package travel agreements

  • The combination of travel services offered to you is a package holiday within the meaning of Directive (EU) 2015/2302, transposed by the Act of November 21st 2017 on the sale of package holidays, coupled travel packages and travel services.
  • Consequently, you are entitled to all EU rights applicable to package holidays. Planopli is fully responsible for the proper execution of the entire package holiday.
  • Planopli also has the legally required protection to reimburse you and, if the transport is included in the package holiday, to repatriate you, in the event that it becomes insolvent.

payment info

€195 for 1 day


  • boat with captain
  • five visits to prominent artists and their ditto architects
  • a simple lunch
  • a sumptuous supper
  • use of audiophones
  • permanent accompaniment and expert guidance, not least from the artists and architects themselves
  • gifts for the artists and architects
  • (exclusive) access to ateliers
  • group travel insurance


  • registration is final
    after payment of the participation fee €195 per person
    to be paid into the planopli account BE25 7350 4701 5682
    With this transfer you agree to the general and special sales conditions of planopli and declare that planopli is not liable for accidents, theft or lost objects.
    Based on art. VI.45, 11° of the Economic Code, there is no cooling-off period.