'pivot' day outing: wonder at earth and architecture


18 May
18 May

Inscriptions are possible until 1 April 2025.

Hoe deelnemen?

This day trip is designed for architects and their (young) children. During the day, we will visit several architecturally outstanding projects that are also interesting for younger visitors: botanical garden, youth center, balloon hangar, school, etc.

At each project, architects and engineers will be present to explain and answer questions for the adults on the one hand, according to proven planopli method. In cooperation with Anke Van Damme, who has been trained at ABC, Art Basics for Children, on the other hand, we want to offer an opportunity to discover together the stories behind different designs, to learn together about the impact of architecture on our living environment. An educational experience in a relaxed atmosphere.



subject to change

  • reception pavilion botanical garden Meise (2021) NU architecture studio i.c.w. MOUTON and Atelier Arne Deruyter
  • de Groen Ark, botanical garden Meise (2024) NU architecture studio i.c.w. MOUTON and Atelier Arne Deruyter
  • aircraft hangars of Grimbergen (1946) Alfred Hardy
  • balloon hangar Eckstein in Zellik (1922) with landscaping by Ontwerpbureau Pauwels
  • Sint-Maartens School (2020) OYO
  • Fernand Brunfaut residence (1932) Maxime Brunfaut and SVR architects



The planopli tour guides will assist you in Dutch, English and French. Guided visits by local guides and/or architects will be in Dutch (if necessary, planopli tour guides will provide a concise translation).

Standard information for package travel contracts

  • The combination of travel services offered to you is a package holiday within the meaning of Directive (EU) 2015/2302, transposed by the law of 21 November 2017 on the sale of package holidays, linked travel arrangements and travel services.
  • Consequently, you can claim all EU rights applicable to package holidays. planopli is fully responsible for the proper execution of the entire package holiday.
  • planopli also has the legally required protection to reimburse you and, if transport is included in the package holiday, repatriate you in case it becomes insolvent.

payment info

€150 per traveler (= 1 adult + 1 child up to 12 years)


  • five visits to prominent artists and their ditto architects
  • a simple lunch
  • a sumptuous supper
  • use of audiophones
  • permanent accompaniment and expert guidance, not least from the artists and architects themselves
  • gifts for the artists and architects
  • (exclusive) access to ateliers
  • group travel insurance


  • registration is final
    after payment of the participation fee €150 per traveler (= 1 adult + 1 child up to 12 years)
    to be paid into the planopli account BE25 7350 4701 5682
    With this transfer you agree to the general and special sales conditions of planopli and declare that planopli is not liable for accidents, theft or lost objects.
    Based on art. VI.45, 11° of the Economic Code, there is no cooling-off period.
  • possibility of paying by credit card (if required, please indicate on the registration form)